Monday, January 12, 2009

Picture postcard images from your own windows.

Beautiful, peaceful scenery, and only minutes from Omaha. Wouldn't this be nice to come home to?

Trees, shrubs and pretties.

Violets flourish under the apple trees and in the woods. A beautiful row of lilacs smells so fresh in the spring. Redbuds are planted next the porch and outside the master bedroom. A burning bush brightens the autumn porch. Groupings of redtwig dogwoods complete the highway lining of evergreens. Besides the young orchard, walnuts, etc., that we've planted, the woods abound with hackberries and cedars. There is also a huge elm tree which shades the garage.


Among the mature trees, is this line of mulberries along the inside pasture fence. Yes, there is a nice big pasture, fully fenced, opening into the barn. The entire property is fenced, with gates which can close across the drive.

Tree-lined drive.

The drive has been lined with shade trees on both sides. We are firm believers in tree-planting, and have planted hundreds of trees during our time here. You will find them in various stages of maturity. Among our plantings are sycamores, maples, redbuds, walnuts, and many evergreens.


We've lined the highway side of the property with a double row of evergreens. But even before that, you could barely see the house behind all the other trees. What nice privacy. And shade!

Mature fruit trees.

In the back yard are mature apple and pear trees.

Young orchard.

Orchard just planted a few years ago. Someone else gets to enjoy the "fruits" of our labor. If I remember correctly, they are several each of: apple, cherry, nectarine, peach, plum, and pear.